
Weaving the Community: A community arts outreach event involving local people of all ages and backgrounds

Weaving the Community

Weaving the Community


About the project

Our project will be to facilitate the creation of a mixed media tunnel made using found, recycled and re-appropriated materials. We will invite families and members of the public from the local community to contribute to the weaving of the tunnel during the Plymouth Art Weekender, in order to promote confidence and creativity to engage in arts and cultural activities across generations. Following construction by the community the artists will invite participants and their friends and family to interact with the finished piece in an interactive storytelling using the textures of the piece. 

We’re requesting a little help with the costs involved in this project to pay for the following:

– The carpenter who is building the framework

– Rental of the location

– Construction materials

– Promotion of the event

Any help would be greatly appreciated and would allow us to put on this inclusive project for a community which has very few opportunities for intergenerational involvement in the arts.

Our project will be to facilitate the creation of a mixed media tunnel made using found, recycled and re-appropriated materials.
See Campaign: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/weaving-the-community/
Contact Information:
Katy Richardson

Crowdfunder UK, Art, Reward, United Kingdom, English, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Media & Entertainment, Language


Source: ICNW