
Fit Fast Food 2.0: opened its doors in February this year on Melbourne Road, Rippleside

Fit Fast Food 2.0

The story of the project

Fit Fast Food opened its doors in February this year on Melbourne Road, Rippleside. We have had a fantastic welcoming from the Geelong community and love providing a healthy alternative to the regular fast food out there.

Our small store in Rippleside is where we’ve set up our commercial kitchen and our meals, guilt-free sweets, protein bars, juices and protein drinks ready for those wanting real food on the go.

Our boys repping the meal prep at our Rippleside store

Our first store location does the job, but it can definitely be better. We love that you seek us out, putting up with service lanes and not much parking to get to us. And we think it’s pretty cool that people come from Waurn Ponds, Lara, Leopold and the Surf Coast for our meals.

A delicious, healthy meal you can choose in store

We’ve always had the goal to start small and then grow, grow, GROW! Now after 9 months, we’re keen to take the next step and open a second Fit Fast Food! Bigger and better – we will be offering more. We will have more sweets, we will have a smoothie bar and we will be in a convenient location.

We are super excited for the new store and it would be super awesome to have the Geelong community support us. And by supporting the new store, you will receive various rewards depending on the donation amount. For example, for $75 you will receive a 5% lifetime discount. How cool is that? Meals? 5% off. Sweets? 5% off. For life. Plus behind the scenes of the new store AND recognition of your contribution.

A bulk order of custom meals prepped for you

How this crowdfunding project works

People are able to pledge any amount to this project, directly helping us open another Fit Fast Food in Geelong. But not only will you help open another store, your pledge will get you some seriously cool Fit Fast Food rewards never been offered before. 

The campaign will be a tally of all the pledges until we reach our goal, or otherwise known, an ‘ALL OR NOTHING’ campaign. We won’t actually receive ANY of the donations pledged until we reach our entire goal of $10,000. So if we the tally ends up being $9,999 at the end, we don’t get a cent and the rewards cannot be redeemed… Soooo if you’re keen, it would be super helpful to spread the word! Share to any and everyone!

Now we know $10,000 may sound like a lot from donations, but that’s only 134 people purchasing our 5% lifetime discount reward. Or 67 people getting a gift voucher. Or 400 people getting a behind the scenes look… So you can see how your donations will add up!

However, we are also able to EXCEED our goal!! There is no limit to how many people can contribute to the next store and no limit to our rewards. All exceeded money will help us reach our store quicker!

At the end of the campaign your card will only be charged if the project has met its target.

We will keep you updated on our progress over the next 60 days. We cannot wait to see what you all can do and cannot wait to open up another Fit Fast Food store!!

How the funds will be used

All of the donations will fund the setup of the new store. There are sooooo many things a store needs to set up and it does add up. We do have some funds of our own ready for the next store, but the additional donations will allow us to open one up MUCH sooner.

An idea of what you are helping to achieve is –

Securing a great location – Bond, Rent, Leasing Costs 
Planning and Building – Electrical, Building, Plumbing, Decor, Menu and more
Food Safe Flooring, Walls & Lighting – Tiles, Floor, Lights, Paint, 
Council Compliance – Registration fees approx. $650
Kitchen Equipment and Prep Areas – including benches, fridges and sinks
A Smoothie Bar – exciting!
Point of Sales system set up 
Signage / Advertising – so everyone knows where we are!


Planning! With running a business and planning for a new one, time will be well short. This isn’t anything new for us though! We strive on little sleep, long days and turning our ideas into reality. Who wouldn’t? When every day you get to do what you live for. Planning is already underway though, but shhh the details are a secret for the moment!

Timelines are hard to estimate and stick to but we are well more equipped than we were with the first store. We have more of a grasp of building requirements, council approvals and store set up. Plus already having our contacts from the first store opening.

There should be limited teething issues when the store opens but we anticipate that it may take a few weeks to pick up on sales patterns and stocking both stores adequately. We will be trying our best though!


Fit Fast Food opened its doors in February this year on Melbourne Road, Rippleside. We have had a fantastic welcoming from the Geelong community and love providing a healthy alternative to the regular fast food out there.
Our small store in Rippleside is where we’ve set up our commercial kitchen and our meals, guilt-free sweets, protein bars, juices and protein drinks ready for those wanting real food on the go.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko4kW0Tz7c8
See Campaign: http://www.pozible.com/project/200954
Contact Information:
Jessie Kapustic
Steve McCallum

Pozible, Reward, English, Australia, Food, Oceania, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW