
ShareGood: The New Social Platform for Change! The World’s First Online Platform For Individuals, Communities & Organizations To #ShareGood :)

ShareGood: The New Social Platform for Change!



The World’s First Online Platform For Individuals, Communities & Organizations To #ShareGood :)


We believe that the world is ready for a New Social Platform focused on Change and Sharing Good.ShareGood will be the first of its kind social networking website where you can connect to a global community of people who want to do and share awesome initiatives in the world!


A mobile app for iPhone and Android allows people to share good On-the-Go. You can stay updated on whats going on in your network of friends, groups and organizations. Post your own inspiring stories, news or photos and videos of your best moments captured from your mobile device.

ShareGood is an alternative to the current social networks that don’t focus on #Good. We all use the big social media sites every day and doesn’t it seems obvious that personal and worthy messages and missions are too often overlooked? While other social networks are full of meaningless noise, ShareGood will be a social platform where everybody comes together to make a positive change in the world.

  • Decrease Worldsuck – this is a word we came to use to describe the lack of good in the world.
  • Inspire people to believe in the world again
  • Create a positive alternative to the current social media networks
  • Participate in a Social Change Network A social tool that will allow people to create petitions and launch a fundraiser for a cause
  • Allow volunteers, charities, fundraisers, non-profit organizations and conscious businesses to network and share good around the world
  • Create mass-scale positive energy around the planet
  • Create an awesome mobile app for IPhone and Android to #ShareGood on the go!


We want the world to know all the good stuff that is happening out there! We want to create a positive vibration that will rock the planet and restore peoples faith in goodness, in themselves and in the fact that even small actions can make a big change. Let’s network a better world. Let’s connect all the good. Let’s Make it Happen!

All the Gifts will be shipped at the end of campaign. An online survey will be sent out where you will be able to select your exact Gifts, Colors and Sizes!


ShareGood Wall is a place of honor on our website, a Sponsorship Page where all supporters have their Profile Photos. They will also be linked to their ShareGood Profile Page once the website goes Live.

It is a place of all the people and organizations who helped ShareGood become a reality! #ShareGoodWall

Certificate of Donation: Every person or organization who supported ShareGood will receive a personal “Certificate of Donation” indicating that their name, photo or company Logo is on the ShareGood Wall!

We will build these features even if the targets are not met, but without additional funding, it will take us much much longer. Additional funding will also allow us to hire and expand our team, introduce more new features and reach more people and organizations. With your support, we can make ShareGood a reality and make a positive Change in the World!

The first $100,000 will give us enough money to develop the ShareGood social platform for desktop and mobile on IPhone and Android. This will allow us start growing our registered user base and reach organizations and good businesses for sponsorship after which the ShareGood project can be self-sustaining.

ShareGood is not only a Social Platform for Change but also a Non-profit organization. The aims of the Foundation is to support and launch non-profit projects and campaigns that would support Sharing Good in the world. Part of the funding will also go towards various social initiatives to raise awareness about conscious living and sustainable development in the world.

1) Why is this important for the world at this time?

There is too much negative information on our daily mainstream media.We dont need more information – we need to believe in ourselves. We want to create a global platform for positive change where people can connect and share the good things that are happening around them – good deeds, acts of kindness, good causes, uplifting news, awesomeness and important events focused on creating positive change.
2) How is this different from Facebook?

We dont want to create another social network – we are inspired to build a Social Change Network! This will be a social platform focused on connecting individuals, events,organizationsand communities who want to create a positive change in the world. We want to give people the tool to network a better world by connecting and sharing their awesome ideas, causes and good work.

We want to kickstart the second wave in the social media revolution. The first wave was about connecting people together to share bits and pieces of their lives – experiences, opinions, things they like or dislike, and yes…cat photos. It was about connecting minds.

The second wave is all about connecting hearts.

We want the world to shout out all the freaking good stuff that is happening out there! We want to create a positive vibe that will rock the planet and restore peoples faith in the goodness that is all around us, but usually goes unrecognized.
3) When will it be launched?

We are aiming to launch ShareGood.co in December 2016. Wit your help and support we can achieve our goals and milestones and start our mission to network a better world by sharing the good.
4) How will the funds be used?

Your generous funding will help us get things started in order to realize our concept. It will assist us with the cost of further development, marketing and production. More importantly you get the chance to be one of the first users of the ShareGood platform. We will also use our funding to test our concept to make it better.

5) What happens if you don’t get fully funded?

If we are not fully funded we will reevaluate our goals and write a newsletter with all of our revised plans that will go out to all of our funders. This will let you know when you can expect your perks and how ShareGood will move forward.

6) How can I get involved and help if I don’t have any money to contribute?

You can still help us in other ways if you dont have the financial means to support. You can help us spread the word about this campaign to your friends and connections on the social media. On the lefthand sideof this page there are social media icons. You can use these to share this page to your social network and invite other people to do the same. We thank you wholeheartedly for your support!
7) Can anybody join this website or is it only for charity organizations?

It is for everyone who wants to share, participate or be inspired by the goodness our world has to offer.

Organizations already doing community or charity work for a cause, local or global, can expand their reach to other communities across social or geographical borders and inspire others to join or support their cause. As it grows, the network will link individuals to communities and to events, causes, volunteers and more. We want to link good people with good things and make a change!

Businesses that are contributing to the world either through sustainable products, socially conscious projects and other good means can also share out loud their positive work to the world.

And of course any individual can join communities or create his own. You can be inspired by the positive stuff other people or communities are doing and support them by sharing the good and spreading it out.

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We believe that the world is ready for a New Social Platform focused on Change and Sharing Good. ShareGood will be the first of its kind social networking website where you can connect to a global community of people who want to do and share awesome initiatives in the world!
See Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sharegood-the-new-social-platform-for-change
Contact Information:
Share Good

Indiegogo, Crowdfunding, English, Reward-Donation, Europe


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Source: ICNW